And now that we all get it, it’s the perfect time to act!
American corporations are coming to a full understanding that success in this increasingly competitive and economically challenged world depends on a healthy and productive workplace and workforce. And the employees themselves are in the early stages of realizing that they can improve their lives and the lives of their family members by becoming self-leaders, taking charge of their own health status.
There are five fundamental pillars of an evidence-based strategy designed to integrate health status into the culture of the workplace. The objective is to facilitate high;level health status for all employees, economically benefiting both individuals and their companies. Within each pillar, we present four evidence-based levels of programs engagement for organizations to use in deciding to select their investment strategy and to measure their results.
It is unlikely that any company would be in a position to address each of the five fundamental pillars and achieve champion company engagement level within the first or second year. However, efforts within each of these five pillars are absolutely necessary -even within the first year- with the goal of achieving champion company status within three years.