PUBLISHED STUDY FINDS SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — Just nine percent of American teens are getting enough physical activity during the pandemic, a new study reveals. Researchers
Category: Epidemic
Ailments related to obesity, being overweight, and unhealthy habits are widespread across America and the world. These ailments are rapidly increasing along with an overwhelming cost to the economy and the human way of life.

JANE MOORE Just last month, 53 Americans died in mass shootings…while 40,000 died from obesityJANE MOORE Just last month, 53 Americans died in mass shootings…while 40,000 died from obesity
IN his fascinating book Unnatural Causes, forensic pathologist Dr Richard Shepherd observes how, over the years, the dead bodies he examines have changed. One of

Nearly half of US cancer deaths blamed on unhealthy behaviorNearly half of US cancer deaths blamed on unhealthy behavior
SOURCE: WHIO NEW YORK — A new look at cancer in the U.S. finds that nearly half of cancer deaths are caused by smoking, poor diet and

Trend in What Americans View as Healthy is ConcerningTrend in What Americans View as Healthy is Concerning
Why the middle-aged ‘dad bod’ could be deadly instead of sexy SOURCE:MARKETWATCH There are serious health hazards to being overweight at a certain age By

The Epidemic is Worsening! Americans are Killing Themselves!The Epidemic is Worsening! Americans are Killing Themselves!
Americans are preoccupied with terrorism and racism as more enter into the obese category and fall victim to obesity related ailments. These ailments by far

The World Is Getting Fatter and No One Knows How to Stop ItThe World Is Getting Fatter and No One Knows How to Stop It
SOURCE:BLOOMBERG Global obesity is on the rise Humanity is putting on weight. Across the globe, in wealthy countries and developing nations, among children and adults,

America’s Epidemic and Greatest Weight on the EconomyAmerica’s Epidemic and Greatest Weight on the Economy
Time magazine sheds some light on the cause of the epidemic. This Kind of Food Is Why America Is So Fat, Study Says Worldwide, countries