Workplace Wellness Making Inroads February 10, 2015February 10, 2015| WI4EGWI4EG| 0 Comments| 8:53 am Categories: From the World Follow a link to an article on CNN Money that discusses wellness programs being implemented at the workplace. Post navigation PREVIOUS Previous post: Integrated Exercise LifestyleNEXT Next post: America’s Epidemic and Greatest Weight on the Economy Related Post Study Shows ‘Fat but Fit’ May be FalseStudy Shows ‘Fat but Fit’ May be False October 26, 2017October 26, 2017| WI4EGWI4EG| 0 Comment| 7:45 pm ‘Fat but Fit’? The Controversy Continues SOURCE: NEW YORK TIMES Can you be fit and healthy, even if you’re overweight? And will working out, despite the extra pounds, reduce your Read MoreRead More A brisk 15-minute walk a day lowers death risk for older adultsA brisk 15-minute walk a day lowers death risk for older adults November 3, 2016November 3, 2016| WI4EGWI4EG| 0 Comment| 5:08 pm SOURCE: The Telegraph It is enough to put a spring in the step. Older adults need only walk briskly for 15 minutes a day to cut their risk of dying Read MoreRead More
Study Shows ‘Fat but Fit’ May be FalseStudy Shows ‘Fat but Fit’ May be False October 26, 2017October 26, 2017| WI4EGWI4EG| 0 Comment| 7:45 pm ‘Fat but Fit’? The Controversy Continues SOURCE: NEW YORK TIMES Can you be fit and healthy, even if you’re overweight? And will working out, despite the extra pounds, reduce your Read MoreRead More
A brisk 15-minute walk a day lowers death risk for older adultsA brisk 15-minute walk a day lowers death risk for older adults November 3, 2016November 3, 2016| WI4EGWI4EG| 0 Comment| 5:08 pm SOURCE: The Telegraph It is enough to put a spring in the step. Older adults need only walk briskly for 15 minutes a day to cut their risk of dying Read MoreRead More